Soft Poetry By Sand***

Soft glow of the moonlight, with heart beating fast
Her loveliness shining though darkness is cast
Soft skin glowing softly against the moons glow
Her heart beats with passion, her gentleness shows

The wolves sing a love song, she listens content
Their cries of deep yearning she feels in her breast
Her heart hears the music, the notes soothe her soul
The golden wolves crooning a love song they call

Soft breezes swirl lightly against their soft fur
Their eyes glowing brightly as they look upon her
The wild call of nature, the scent in the air
She lifts her hand slightly to touch golden hair

The darkness succumbs to the soft light of day
The wolves lift their heads to the sun's golden rays
An eagle majestic that flies in the sky
At one with nature, hear her wild cry