Welcome to Dereth's Golden Couple.
I want to wish everyone a warm welcome to my Golden Couple and White Tiger pages.
Come in and visit with me for awhile.
Thank you for stopping by. These pages reflect my love for all cats, from my
gentle sweet persians to the cats of the wild. I dedicate these pages to the beauty of the rare and beautiful Golden Tabby and White Tigers.

The Golden Tabby Tiger : An extremely rare colouration, recognized by
some experts, but considered an aberration by others, is that of the golden tiger, also known as the golden tabby, goldenBengal, or
strawberry tiger. No official name has been designated for the colour. India has records of wild golden tigers dating back as far as the early
1900's. I have raised Shaded Golden Persians so this color fascinates me. There have been suggestions that the tendency for this colouration
gradually developed in a small group of tigers living in an area of heavy clay concentration. The unusual colour would provide these tigers with
extra camoflage. The theory remains unproven. The golden tiger's white coat and gold patches make it stand out from the norm. The striping on
these tigers is much paler than usual and often fades into spots or large prominent patches. Tabbies tend to be larger and have softer fur than their orange relatives.

As is the case with white tigers, the unusual golden colour is caused by
a separate and distinct recessive gene. At last count there were under 30 of these rare tigers in the world. Like their white cousins all golden tabby tigers have a Bengal parentage.

The painting below is another wonderful piece of artwork by the talented Kayomi.

My site was designed and created for me by my dear friend Karen at
Kiwi Graphic. Many thanks, Karen for your wonderful creativity and all your help in making this site possible.
I hope all who visit my site have enjoyed your stay and will drop by from
time to time. Before you leave be sure to sign my guestbook so that I may return your visit.